Dr. Twistid Commercial

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dr Twistid's Horror Comic Review show 5

Featured in this episode "From The Tomb Magazine".
Check out http://www.fromthetomb.blogspot.com/ for even more info on this great magazine.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Zombie Twist

Getting myself psyched for the Halloween season so I drew myself as a zombie.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Star Wars Celebration V

Oh my flippin flapjacks this was such a great time. This is only a few of the pictures taken. If you want to see them all then go to my facebook page. I have a folder there with all of them. Star Wars rules!

Tampa Comic Con

Went to this a few weeks ago and met Michael Golden who was very cool. He signed my Star Wars Comic #38 and took a pic with me. I also got a pic with the Batmobile. Also found a few older horror comics and some cool toys to add to my collection. Good times for cheap. Gotta love the Tampa Comic Con. Chuck Dixon was supposed to be there but didn't show up. I would have liked to have met him. Ah well maybe the next one.

Morpheus Tales Dark Sorcery Issue

Hi all
One of my Illustrations was published in this awesome issue filled with magic and mayhem.

Check out this FREE 15 page preview and if you like what you see/read then there are some links on the last page where you can go get more info and purchase this great horror anthology. http://www.morpheustales.com/darksorcerypreview.pdf

Enjoy and help support independent horror

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Creature From the Black Lagoon

Here is an original painting in my sketch book.
You can get a print of it here http://www.etsy.com/listing/54073328/creature-feature

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Creature From The Bat Lagoon

Here is my latest design. I wanted to show some love for one of my fav Universal Monsters "the Creature From the Black Lagoon".

Get it as a t-shirt by going to my shirt shop or you can also get it as a print in my Etsy store.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Zombie fun

Went to a concert for the band Dimentia where there was a zombie party. Lotsa fun to dress up as the undead. Here are some pics.

Sunday, August 1, 2010